A pLaCe To FrEe YoUr MiNd

EnTeR To ThE MaGiCal WoRlD Of A CaNdy KiD

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

I am a dancer
I twirl, and spin
I jump, and pirorette
I feel pain and fear
I feel defeat and failure
Yet I keep going
I smile, I practice, I perform
I feel happiness and joy
I hear the applause
I perform and do my best
Sometimes I fail
I don't give up because
I am a dancer
I am brave and strong
I dance not for fame and glory
But for how I feel inside
I feel happiness, joy,
love & excitment
because I´m a fire dancer......

A friend is a person
to laugh and cry with,
An inspiration,
Someone who lends a helping hand,
though friends may not be forever,
And they may not end up together,
the memories of a true friendship will last forever.

Dedicated to the GAKUEM cReW

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

GoOd MoRnInG My SuNShiNe....

If I could catch a rainbow
I would do it just for you
and share with
you its beauty
On the days
you're feeling blue.

Monday, November 21, 2005

When PUPIS blow my clouds away....

FaiRieS KeEp ThE RaIn AwAy
And I WiLL HaVe A HapPy DaY
CaM ThE WinD aNd ReMoVe ThE CloUd
A cLeAr BluE SkY FoR MiLeS ArOuND
FaiRiEs kEeP ThE RaiN aWaY
AnD I WiLL HaVe a HappY DaY......

I was feeling loved tonight..........

Friday, November 18, 2005

We've joined together as classmates as the new year begins...
A year full of learning while we become friends.
We'll share and be kind as we work and play.
And our friendship will grow with each passing day.

I had a box of crayons,
All shiny, straight and new.
I lent a friend one crayon,
And--oops--it broke in two!

My friend said he was sorry,
But I said "I don't care,
cause now we both can color
with one crayon--we can share!"

Now you life would have colors
and a lot of fun,
because now you have a CaNdY
in your life.

Your journy in a world full of color
it just began............

DeDIcaTed To My FriEnD....EsThELa......

Thursday, November 17, 2005

YoU DoN´t NeEd DrUgS To EnjOy A CoLoRfUL TriP


The BaCkYarD CreW is proud to present our first big party in ENSENADA........we will have a lot of beer, cool music and a lot of party animals...........see flayer for more details or contact by leaving a comment on the tag board......


When I look at the past the only thing I saw is a confused mind with no worries,no care other persons just for my self,then I was invited to a werehouse to a party scince that day one I was never the same.
I was very confortable with some one but suddenly somethign didn´t work that well and our lives turn in different ways........the past is just a memory but it will never change and it will never go away it will always be there like an old souvenier that you have from a fun place but u have to let go life goes on.......I was starting to think that love dosen´t exist until one sunday afternoon I found a FAIRY in a street,she approaches to me and said *What´s wrong with you* that day I found a part of me that was lost, my creative part, my CanDy Side that was lost and one 10 days later I said when she grab me with her arms and cover me with her wings *I´M FINALLY HOME*
The future will still contain that night, the days will pass and more problems a head will wait for me, but I'm not going to worrie no more because that sunday I was touch by a FAIRY........ a PuMpKiN FaiRy and that FAIRY saved my life.
Now we walk all over the world holding hands sayin............*TOGETHER WE WILL CONQUER*

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

oOYoU ShOuLd NeVeR DouBt oOoO
oWhaT No oNe Is SuRe AbOuT.oOoO

Monday, November 14, 2005

Computer games don’t affect kids................
If Pacman affected us as kids,
we’d be all running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills & listening to
repetitive electronic music.

FaiRy EyEs...

I LikE ThE WaY YoUr EyEs
LoOk iN ThE DaRk NiGhTs
I LoVe ThE WaY YoUr SkiN
GloW UnDeR ThE MoOnShiNe.

I LiKe ThE WaY YoUr EyEs
bRiGhT WiTh A RaiNbOw SiGht
I LoVe RaiNbOwS, FaIriEs AnD CoLoRs
MuShRoOmS AnD BLinKinG LiGhTs.

BuT I TrAdE aLL ThAt
FoR JuST OnE LoOk At
DeDiCaTed To My FaiRy

When you are feeling sad or blue you can come here, this is were I live this is were you can be your self....no mask, no lies, no nothing just who you are,because in here we all believe that life is to short.......so don´t wasted, start living your life happy...........come with us........you are always welcome here.

This is the master mind behind this peaceful place.